
소관기관 소식 - 보도자료 상세보기 - 소관기관, 제목, 내용, 파일, 주소 링크 정보 제공
소관기관 한국표준과학연구원
Inauguration of Dr. Ho Seong Lee as the 16th President of KRISS

Inauguration of Dr. Ho Seong Lee as the 16th President of KRISS

The Korea Research Institute of Standards and Science (KRISS) celebrated the inauguration of Dr. Ho Seong Lee, the new president of KRISS, at a ceremony held on December 8th in the KRISS Administration Building.

Appointed as the 16th president of KRISS, Dr. Ho Seong Lee emphasized the transition from "chasing research" to "leading research" in his inaugural speech. He stated, "KRISS will lead research related to national strategic technologies, such as quantum leaps, and contribute to restoring fairness in Korean society through the reliability of measurements.“

Dr. Lee aims to elevate KRISS to the status of a global NMI(National Metrology Institute), focusing on "mission-oriented research," "the pursuit of excellence," and "public-centric services." To achieve this goal, he outlined three management strategies for innovation: the world's best research institute for measurement, a globally leading NMI, and a research institute as a companion of the public.

Dr. Lee's term lasts for three years, commencing December 8th, 2023.

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